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Home Improvement  /  October 12, 2022

5 Ways to Add Curb Appeal

home exterior

Add Curb Appeal to Your Lexington Area Home

The appearance of a property or building is referred to as curb appeal. The exterior of your home influences whether or not potential buyers want to buy it.

A well-maintained home adds value to the property. Furthermore, it makes prospective buyers feel at ease and confident about purchasing your home.

Here are some tips for improving your home’s curb appeal:

  1. Paint Your Home
    Paint is a cheap way to make changes to the look of your home. It also gives people who haven’t painted their homes in a while a new coat of paint.
  2. Trim Trees and Shrubs
    By trimming the trees and bushes around your house, you can help them look neat and well-kept. You can also use this time to cut back any dead branches or leaves that are hanging over your roofline.
  3. Landscaping
    Landscaping makes your home look nicer by putting in plants and flowers. Also, it keeps your yard clean and free of trash and weeds.
  4. Plant Flowers
    Putting flowers around your house makes it smell nice and gives your yard color.
  5. Install New Siding
    Putting up new siding can make your home look more up-to-date. It can also keep your house safe from the weather.

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