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Plumbing  /  August 28, 2023

Dangers of DIY Drain Cleaning: Why Leave It to Handyman in Ottawa

Dangers of DIY Drain Cleaning- Why Leave It to Handyman in Ottawa

The Do-It-Yourself movement often paints all residential jobs as doable for inexperienced homeowners, but that is not usually the case. While some DIY projects are okay for homeowners, most residential projects require skilled trades and craftsmen. Plumbing repair and maintenance services are examples of projects that are often outside the scope of your average homeowner.

Too many people choose DIY because of the promise of saving money. Many homeowners don’t realize that DIY often costs more than hiring a professional because of mistakes, wrong materials, or the realization that they are in over their heads.

DIY plumbing repairs and maintenance can also be dangerous for your house’s system and yourself. Discover why DIY plumbing is a mistake and why you should always hire a plumber.

Dangers of DIY Plumbing Repair and Maintenance Services

While DIY might sound like a more feasible solution than hiring a plumber in Ottawa, it is easy to underestimate the complexity of plumbing repairs. One mistake in plumbing can cost hundreds of dollars in repairs.

DIY solutions are not worth the risks to your plumbing system. The dangers of misusing tools or pouring improper chemicals down the drains are more than homeowners may initially realize.

1. Plumbing Snakes can be Dangerous

Drain snakes or augers are standard drain maintenance devices used for clearing clogs and cleaning the lines. The tool seems simple: a long cable on a rotating shaft with a metallic head that gets put into a drain to break up debris.

However, an auger can become dangerous in the hands of inexperienced homeowners. First, if renting a commercial power auger, the device is complex and powerful. Without experience, getting the cable twisted up and trapped in the system is easy, requiring professional plumbing repair and maintenance services for recovery.

Second, when removing the snake from the drain, it can whip back and injure the operator. Therefore, injury to your person and your home’s plumbing is possible when using this “simple” tool.

2. Using the Wrong Drain Cleaner Can be Catastrophic

While a handyman in Ottawa understands the purpose and use of specific drain cleaners, many homeowners do not. Drain cleaners often use caustic chemicals, which are dangerous under the best conditions. Using these cleaners without adequate knowledge or safety considerations can be catastrophic.

Many homeowners will purchase drain cleaners when their home’s drains are not working correctly. They simply go to the home improvement store and pick cleaners that promise fast action. If the cleaner doesn’t work as advertised, the homeowner may return to the store and choose a different cleaner.

Mixing drain cleaners is never a good idea; not only can the cleaners combine and become excessively corrosive, the wrong combination can result in explosions and equally adverse chemical reactions. Always call plumbing repair and maintenance services to handle clogged drains.

3. Using Cleaners on the Wrong Clog

Beyond cleaners being caustic and potentially dangerous, many are designed for specific types of debris. If a homeowner wants to open a stopped drain using a drain cleaner, they must invest in a cleaner designed for a clog’s unique collected matter. For example, if you have a clogged bathroom drain, it is best to find a cleaner designed for hair and soap scum clogs.

Hire Professionals for Plumbing Repair and Maintenance Services

Professional plumbing repair and maintenance services are better suited to working on residential systems. While DIY enthusiasts can find small projects around the house, leaving the plumbing infrastructure to the pros is best, especially with all the potential risks and hazards. Contact Handyman Connection to schedule a plumbing inspection or system repair. Working with professionals ensures your safety and the health of your plumbing system.

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