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Electrical  /  June 9, 2021

When You Should Replace Old House Wiring

When You Should Replace Old House Wiring

A modern home is constructed following local and national safety standards. Older homes, however, may not have up-to-date protection for you and your family. Find out when it’s time to contact an electrician in Saskatoon to repair old house wiring.

Why You Should Replace Old House Wiring

Outdated wiring is a safety issue you shouldn’t ignore. While outdated carpet, furniture and other items can detract from the style and comfort of your home, outdated wiring can increase the risk of a fire. Protect your home with preventative electrical maintenance performed by a licensed contractor.

House fires can start when faulty wiring causes sparks in your walls or outlets to become scorched. These issues can occur because older wiring has less insulation, isn’t properly installed or has been chewed by rodents. Some outdated wiring is prone to overheating, which can also cause house fires.

How old is too old for house wiring? Homes that are 40 years old or older may have outdated wiring. Here are some basic types of wiring that should be replaced by a licensed electrician:

  • Aluminum wiring
  • Cloth-insulated wiring
  • Knob and tube wiring

There are other types of wiring or electrical issues that should be fixed in older homes, so be sure to work with a local contractor to determine whether your electrical system needs to be updated.

Not only is it difficult to trace your wiring throughout your home, but it can be very dangerous to attempt to solve electrical issues on your own. Outdated wiring may not be properly insulated, so you shouldn’t attempt to handle any wiring you find. Turn to a local electrician for peace of mind and effective repairs.

Signs Your Wiring Needs To Be Replaced

Consider your home electrical system and see if it’s time to work with a local electrician. Here are the top signs that you need electrical repair services to avoid injury, ineffective electrical devices and the risk of a house fire:

  • Lights that dim or flicker
  • Breakers that trip frequently
  • A home that’s over 40 years old
  • Outlets that are burned or are ungrounded
  • Outlets or appliances that have a burning smell
  • Kitchen or bathroom that doesn’t have ground fault circuit interrupter outlets

Flickering lights can be a sign that there is insufficient electricity travelling to the lights. It can also be caused by an overloaded circuit. New wiring or an additional breaker to split up lights can prevent this issue.

A tripped breaker means a circuit is overloaded or there’s a short in the circuit. Both issues are resolved with new wiring or a new breaker.

Older homes are much more likely to have outdated wiring. Aluminum and other types of inefficient wiring have been against home building codes for around 40 years, but older homes may have had these wiring systems installed.

Burnt outlets or burning smells around your electrical system are bad signs. Don’t wait until you see a fire to have an electrician inspect your wiring. These signs likely mean there’s a short in your wiring or the wires are overheating.

Ungrounded outlets don’t protect you from electrocution when using appliances. The ground plug is designed to protect you from the risk of electrocution as you use an appliance. All your home outlets should be grounded. If you have any that only have two holes instead of three, then it’s time to contact a local electrician.

Connect With an Electrician in Saskatoon Today

Take the next step in home safety with Handyman Connection in Saskatoon. Request an estimate from a locally licensed electrician to inspect and repair your home. From missing GFCI outlets to a full home wiring replacement service, you can trust local contractors to offer safe and affordable services.

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