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Electrical  /  August 30, 2023

Vancouver Handyman: Top Electrical Safety Hazards in Homes and How To Prevent Them

Top Electrical Safety Hazards in Homes and How To Prevent Them

Building codes are strict, especially around electrical work. Poor wiring can have devastating results, as a wayward spark can set your house ablaze. Even if your family escapes unharmed, you risk losing your belongings and having to rebuild your residence. Hopefully, your insurance will cover the costs, but you may be unable to replace sentimental items. The good news is that you can avoid these circumstances by talking to a handyman in Vancouver about electrical safety.

5 Situations That Require a Handyman in Vancouver

Electrical problems have many potential causes:

  • Rodents chewing through wires
  • Old wiring degrading over time
  • Issues with power lines

It’s essential to contact an electrician whenever you have an electrical problem, as professionals know the proper procedures to keep themselves and others safe. They also have the experience to identify and solve the root cause of issues, ensuring you don’t face the same trouble down the line.

Of course, the problem may not be your electrical system at all. Homeowners sometimes misuse electrical equipment, increasing the risk of shock or fire. In fact, the following five safety hazards are so common that your local handyman probably has a few cautionary tales.

1. Faulty Wiring

Electricity requires the guidance of conductive material; without that, electricity naturally seeks the ground. Faulty wiring creates opportunities for the power to divert from the circuit, potentially causing fires and electrocution.

To avoid faulty wiring, schedule inspections every five years. Regular maintenance increases the chance of catching an issue before it becomes dangerous.

You should also contact an electrician immediately if you suspect a problem. The following are warning signs every homeowner should know:

  • Buzzing sounds
  • Frequently tripping breakers
  • Hot or sparking outlets
  • Flickering lights
  • Burning smell

2. Overloaded Circuits

To accommodate your power needs, your home likely features several circuits, which are usually divided by living area. For example, your kitchen and dining room may be on one circuit while the bedrooms are on another. Multiple circuits decrease the risk of overloading, though it can still happen if you have too many appliances plugged into one circuit. When that occurs, the breaker will trip, cutting off power.

Frequent overloads are cause for calling your handyman in Vancouver. While tripped breaker limits damage to your electrical system, there’s a risk of overheating every time. To prevent this, don’t use too many power strips on one circuit. Instead, distribute the electrical load evenly among your home’s rooms.

3. Damaged Electrical Cords

Electrical cord coverings are nonconductive, making them safe to touch even when a current passes through them. However, exposed wires can shock you. They can also start fires if the heated metal comes into contact with something flammable.

You can prevent damage by storing electrical cords properly and keeping them away from pets. Avoid bending them sharply, as this can damage the wires.

4. Improper Use of Extension Cords

Extension cords are incredibly convenient tools for accessing power in areas where outlets are scarce. However, improper use of these cords can lead to dangerous situations. To ensure you are using your extension cord correctly and safely, follow a few simple tips.

  • Don’t use extension cords as wiring.
  • Don’t connect an appliance that exceeds the wattage limit.
  • Don’t daisy-chain extension cords.

It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to extension cord safety. By following these guidelines, you can feel confident that you are using your extension cords effectively and safely.

5. Lack of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters

GFCIs are essential in kitchens, bathrooms and other areas where outlets may come into contact with water. Water is incredibly conductive, increasing the chance of electrocution if an appliance accidentally touches a spill or puddle. GFCIs cut off currents if they fluctuate (a sign that some electricity has gone off-course). Residential building codes generally require these outlets in new houses.

Top-Notch Handyman in Vancouver

To prevent any electrical hazards in your home, it is always best to contact electrical repair and maintenance services. An expert can help you identify and manage any danger hidden within your home’s wiring system. 

Handyman Connection is one of Vancouver’s best handyman services, offering top-notch electrical services including identifying and managing safety hazards. Our knowledgeable and experienced electricians will give you peace of mind, knowing that your home is free from electrical hazards. Contact Handyman Connection today for your electrical needs and submit an online request.

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